有过网购经验的人大概都听说过电商平台上的“刷单军团”。月销量数千件、好评如潮、信誉五星的商家不一定真的那么靠谱,因为这些都可能是花钱刷出来的。在英语里,这种刷单、刷信誉的行为叫click farming,刷单军团就是click farm。
一般常说的「差评」,对应的英文说法为negative review,意思相反的「好评」,则为positive review。口语上非正式的说法为bad / good review。
The service was terrible, so we gave the restaurant a negative review.
I was going to buy that book, but it got bad reviews on Amazon.
favourable review 好评
The definition of favorable is positive, advantageous or approving. When a movie gets two thumbs up, this is an example of a favorable review.
favorable 的定义是positive、有利的或赞成的。当一部电影得到两个赞时,这就是好评的例子。
A previous investigation by the consumer group found dozens of Facebook groups with sellers offering refunds or commissions in exchange for fake, favourable reviews.